Feverfew Anti-Inflammatory Uses
There are many Feverfew Anti-inflammatory uses that are easy to make. So if you like gardens with daisies, then you must grow Feverfew. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) belongs to the Asteraceae family (family of chrysanthemums). Feverfew is referred to as the “false chamomile”. It has been grown in gardens as a medicinal and ornamental plant in Europe. Feverfew grows easily in home gardens because it’s not picky about the soil conditions. Also can be easily propagated by dividing the clumps.
Growing Feverfew
- Feverfew is a short-living perennial.
- It is a low maintenance plant
- Loves to grow in a variety of soil types
- This plant has a strong and bitter scent
- Once believed that it would purify the air and keep insects away
It has been believed that the Greeks used it in life-saving situations. Just like the name Feverfew, it was used to chase away fevers.
Uses of Feverfew
- it is primarily used for the treatment of migraines
- anti-inflammatory
- reduces and lessens pain
- stomach disorders
- toothaches
- nerve pain
- arthritis.
Harvesting Feverfew
Harvest leaves anytime and flowers while the plant is in bloom. Feverfew is best harvested at the beginning of the flowering. Harvested feverfew should be dried out quickly after cutting.
How to use feverfew: fresh leaves can be chewed. But it can also be made into a tincture for easy ingesting or a simple tea
Feverfew Headache Tea
1 teaspoon chopped fresh organic Feverfew leaves
8-10 ounces water
Make a tea by mixing and steeping for five minutes in the hot water. Discard the leaves and drink the tea. Adults: have up to three cups a day.
Feverfew Oil
Good quality oil, such as grapeseed, sunflower, almond
Dried Feverfew herb
Clear glass jar or a wide-mouthed bottle
Fill a container halfway with your dried herbs. Cover the dried Feverfew with the oil shaking slightly to get rid of air bubbles. Make sure all plant material is completely covered. Place on the lid.
Leave the jar in a sunny place and shake slightly every day for 4 weeks until the herb has infused the oil.
Strain into a sterilized glass container.
Label and date.
You can use the oil in salves or other externally used products.
Give it a try….grow Feverfew or you may order: www.Therootedhaven.com